Top 3 Myths in the Proofreading Industry

Paid to Proofread Staff
2 min readSep 20, 2020

And Why They Are Myths

There are plenty of “facts out there that can really affect your decision on whether it is a good idea or not to pick becoming a paid proofreader as a career choice. Funny enough, the most common “facts” are actually myths that unfortunately have a large number of people believing in them. Sure proofreading can be a difficult industry to tap into, but it doesn’t mean it’s impossible nor as scary as people say it is. That is why it is important to take note of these myths and understand why they are myths, not facts.

Contacts in the Industry

The first and most notorious myth out there is that you can only tap into the industry if you know people in it. This is not true. It definitely helps to know someone at the publishing house you want to work in, but if you don’t have the skills and experience they are looking for, it’s most likely you won’t get hired. That is why it is totally ok to start making your connections. Look up job listings the publishing house may have available and if not, call them or shoot them an email. Enclose your resume and cover letter within the email and there ya have it! A step is closer to making that contact.

Distribution of Work

Due to the current global pandemic, more and more proofreading jobs are starting to open up across the globe. But before that, word on the street was that there weren’t enough proofreading gigs to go around for everyone. This is inadvertently not true, especially now of days. People are staying indoors and reading more than the start of the digital era which means more proofreaders are needed. This pandemic may have brought many industries to their knees, but at least proofreading isn’t one of them.

Prepping for Proofreading

There are some current proofreaders out there that say taking courses on proofreading lessons is a waste of money, but although it isn’t highly recommended in the industry, it doesn’t mean that it is a waste. It might be saving you some time and money if you just practice proofreading and buy a book or two on the subject (such as Sue Gilad’s Paid to Proofread wink wink), but taking a few courses can actually ensure that you will know the ins and outs of the industry. Taking courses can also connect you with the right people and teach you things you wouldn’t be able to learn from a book. It really all comes down to preferences and whether or not you have the resources to take courses.

By Karla M. Cortes



Paid to Proofread Staff

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