The After of Creating a Resume from Nothing:
Building the Cover Letter When Applying to Proofreading Jobs
The third and final step that goes hand in hand with creating your resume and applying to jobs is the cover letter. This aspect of the application tends to be optional on an application. But if you have the opportunity to include it, do it. Cover letters are essential to boosting your resume and overall application. Not only do they give the hiring manager(s) a chance to get a better understanding of your experience and skills, but they also allow employers to get an idea as to who you are off paper.
The first rule of thumb when it comes to writing a cover letter is to make it short and concise. Cover letters should not exceed three or four paragraphs that are made up of two to three sentences, while also incorporating line spaces between each paragraph.
The top right corner of your cover letter should include your address, phone number, and email address. Below that, the far left of the page should incorporate the name of the person or company you are contacting, the company name, and the address of the said company. Once that is formatted, it is incredibly important to open the letter with “Dear [CONTACT]” following with an opener, the body, and then closing with “Sincerely, [YOUR NAME]”
Body Content
The first paragraph of the body should provide a breakdown that explains what you are currently up to, where you are currently working, or where you are coming from in general. As Sue Gilad says, “In other words, I already do this stuff.”
The second paragraph should detail what the employer’s life would be like if s/he were to hire you. This is more like a teaser trailer of your big debut working for the company. You can mention your flexibility, strengths, skills, and work ethics. Take this as your moment to briefly pitch yourself.
Take a long and detailed look at the job listing. Make sure to take notes from the requirement section as well as the qualification section. Then tailor your cover letter (and resume) to that job listing in order to hit every major point in your professional self-expression. Preparing a few different cover letter templates that you can use in different markets can really help save time and effort. The three general markets to build templates for are academic, trade, and mass market.
Interested more in the academic side of the market? Then make sure to emphasize your education more on your cover letter. Scholarships, honors, volunteering, club membership, you name it! The more things that back up your educational background, the better.
Interested in the trade market? Especially want to proof trade books? Then your cover letter’s tone should be intelligent. It should come across as bright and eloquent, with conviction of your skills/abilities. Avoid oppressively big words if possible.
Interested more in the mass market? Also, known as books for the masses? Then prepare a cover letter that emphasizes its readability and accessibility. Use language that is warm, friendly, and convincing of your abilities. The more socially adequate you come off (as though you’re writing), the more opportunity you’ll get in this market.
There you have it. Three-part blog articles that take your hand and guide you through the necessary sections and elements needed to provide a successful resume and cover letter to potential proofreading employers. If you have any questions, comments, concerns, or updates on your proofreading career, please feel free to send an email to Paid to Proofread or check out our FAQ’s here.
By Karla M. Cortes